I chose this website because it seems like a informal and useful website , the website has sub categories which gives brief explanations then go on to give links to other websites to give the reader more information about what they are looking up.
This website is dedicated to Irish immigration which a one point was the back bone of the American population when people were starting to come across. the website has pictures to help give details about the Irish and there hertiage. this website contains allot of information about the Irish and there are certain styles which are used which show it is designed for younger children. They standout bright font against a darkish background also the size of the font and the sub categories are short paragraphs to get across to the younger generation.
It also gives tasks that you can do by yourself or in a group to test wheat her the information has been taken in or not this website is good for teaching kids and is very insightful.
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Immigration in Schools.
I have chosen this website as it begins by explaining how immigration is affecting students of America today. It states that, “The angst and emotion involved in the conflict are spilling over into schools and classrooms as students stage walkouts and engage in shouting matches.”
The website has a series of links to websites useful for the curriculum for the subject of immigration, as well as useful points for students to work on, as well as how to deal with the controversy and debate of this emotionally charged issue.
I found this website particulary interesting as it allows you to look into the subject further and also recognises that it is important for students to learn about current affairs that are affecting them and that they may feel quite passionate about.
I have chosen this website as it begins by explaining how immigration is affecting students of America today. It states that, “The angst and emotion involved in the conflict are spilling over into schools and classrooms as students stage walkouts and engage in shouting matches.”
The website has a series of links to websites useful for the curriculum for the subject of immigration, as well as useful points for students to work on, as well as how to deal with the controversy and debate of this emotionally charged issue.
I found this website particulary interesting as it allows you to look into the subject further and also recognises that it is important for students to learn about current affairs that are affecting them and that they may feel quite passionate about.
I chose this website. This website links to many websites from different kind of sources about the history of American immigration for students.
This website also have an activity to do after understanding about immigrant like answering the question, writing an emigrant story, ask own family about their history, creating a immigration timeline, making an immigration procedures list, and so on.
The good point of this website is that shows the website by student for student. There are many website linked at this website so that student can search from here about immigration easily and save their time.
I chose this website. This website links to many websites from different kind of sources about the history of American immigration for students.
This website also have an activity to do after understanding about immigrant like answering the question, writing an emigrant story, ask own family about their history, creating a immigration timeline, making an immigration procedures list, and so on.
The good point of this website is that shows the website by student for student. There are many website linked at this website so that student can search from here about immigration easily and save their time.
Monday, 22 February 2010
Immigration K-12
I have chosen this website because it shows the lesson plans and activities for Ellis Island and then it also has different activities for kids. I thought this was very good showing the history if America because for one of the activities called America: Land of Opportunity, the kids can help the immigrants find jobs making America strong and answering questions allow the children to see how the immigrants help. It also has teachers lesson plans in which we can see what teachers use as their sources and activities, showing different sites that are linked to different sites of immigration.
It shows immigration to be a big part of American history as there is much detail that has been put into this site with all the links and activities, it is as though people do not want their children to forget from where they may have come from and remember their heritage and for others it could be seen as a reminder that the immigrants helped to make America great.
I have chosen this website because it shows the lesson plans and activities for Ellis Island and then it also has different activities for kids. I thought this was very good showing the history if America because for one of the activities called America: Land of Opportunity, the kids can help the immigrants find jobs making America strong and answering questions allow the children to see how the immigrants help. It also has teachers lesson plans in which we can see what teachers use as their sources and activities, showing different sites that are linked to different sites of immigration.
It shows immigration to be a big part of American history as there is much detail that has been put into this site with all the links and activities, it is as though people do not want their children to forget from where they may have come from and remember their heritage and for others it could be seen as a reminder that the immigrants helped to make America great.
K-12 and how it presents immigration
This website is based on the K-12 and how in an American school how 7th- 8th graders learn about the history of American Immigration. This site talks about in this particular American high school Immigration is taught in more than one subject area which shows the importance of this part of history. The subject area's that it falls into are Social Studies, Language Arts, Computer Science, Reading and Family Consumer Science. Within these subject area Immigration is learnt through time lines, and projects that cover important questions such as 'why immigrants left Europe, Asia, and the Southern Hemisphere for the United States?' but also to recognised the different elements that an immigrant had to deal with when leave their homes behind and starting again in the new world of America. This particular High School page cover who they were, where they were from, the hardships and difficulties they would have come up against, and how once lived and how they adapted to their new American lives. All of these areas of study are gone over by the students through research paper, poetry writing, short story writing, small work in historical fiction, Family Trees. To make sure that the students are aware of their countries history and also that they have taken in the information proved by their teachers.
This website is from a High School in America. It starts by outlining the statistics of immigration from the 1770's to the present day, and moves on to showing the shifts in where the immigrants come from. It then goes on to criticising America's policy on immigration saying it's brought many problems, such as language barriers, hostilities between ethnic groups and their inability to assimilate quick enough to American culture. It says how in the economic downturn Americans can't be expected to find employment for all the immigrants when some Americans themselves don't even have jobs. The website calls for a change in policy asking whether America should change to a 'closed-door policy' and limit the number of immigrants coming into the country. It is clear from this site that there are fears of immigrants coming and taking jobs at this difficult time where unemployment is at 10% in America. However, teaching this to school children could cause hostilities between ethnic groups as it could persuade Americans that immigrants are taking their jobs and money, causing tensions amongst Americans and the immigrants.
This website is from a High School in America. It starts by outlining the statistics of immigration from the 1770's to the present day, and moves on to showing the shifts in where the immigrants come from. It then goes on to criticising America's policy on immigration saying it's brought many problems, such as language barriers, hostilities between ethnic groups and their inability to assimilate quick enough to American culture. It says how in the economic downturn Americans can't be expected to find employment for all the immigrants when some Americans themselves don't even have jobs. The website calls for a change in policy asking whether America should change to a 'closed-door policy' and limit the number of immigrants coming into the country. It is clear from this site that there are fears of immigrants coming and taking jobs at this difficult time where unemployment is at 10% in America. However, teaching this to school children could cause hostilities between ethnic groups as it could persuade Americans that immigrants are taking their jobs and money, causing tensions amongst Americans and the immigrants.
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
Women through the decades.
I chose an abstract from an article for my item on women in the 1980s. I found this particularly interesting as it suggests that the “backlash” towards feminism in the 1980s was not as dominant as it has been portrayed to be. This theory arose after examining data from the Opinion Research Center’s General Social Survey. The data showed that amongst men as well as women, there was a significant increase in pro-feminist views of the wife and mother roles.
For my item on women I this century, I found a speech entitled “Role of Women in the 21st Century” by Josette S. Shiner, an editor of the Washington Times. Shiner begins her speech by talking about the bond women have, and the significant part they play in the human race. This thoughtfully represents women in their more historical role of the mother. She continues by talking about women in the 21st century, and the message women of power are putting across. It is seen as one of anger and how to compete with men. Shiner doesn’t believe this should be the way forward; she puts across the idea that women should embrace their womanhood and femininity, and use it to their advantage, and to the world’s advantages instead of trying to be more like men. I think the points she puts across are important, as women seem to be gaining more power, women such as Hillary Clinton. Her ideas that women shouldn’t have to act like men to get to the top should be taken onboard.
I chose an abstract from an article for my item on women in the 1980s. I found this particularly interesting as it suggests that the “backlash” towards feminism in the 1980s was not as dominant as it has been portrayed to be. This theory arose after examining data from the Opinion Research Center’s General Social Survey. The data showed that amongst men as well as women, there was a significant increase in pro-feminist views of the wife and mother roles.
For my item on women I this century, I found a speech entitled “Role of Women in the 21st Century” by Josette S. Shiner, an editor of the Washington Times. Shiner begins her speech by talking about the bond women have, and the significant part they play in the human race. This thoughtfully represents women in their more historical role of the mother. She continues by talking about women in the 21st century, and the message women of power are putting across. It is seen as one of anger and how to compete with men. Shiner doesn’t believe this should be the way forward; she puts across the idea that women should embrace their womanhood and femininity, and use it to their advantage, and to the world’s advantages instead of trying to be more like men. I think the points she puts across are important, as women seem to be gaining more power, women such as Hillary Clinton. Her ideas that women shouldn’t have to act like men to get to the top should be taken onboard.
Women in work (1980's and Present day)
This image is from the American television show called Extrem Home Makeover where they go to different states to help families in need and build them new house in around 3 days. I have picked this particular image as i thought in was an interesting representation of a women in a male dominated proffesion. This is as the woman in the pink tool belt Paige hemmis is part of the carpentry side of them team which is normal seen as a male industry. This image shows that times have moved on and that women can been seen to work along side men in an industrial job and have been seen to be able to work at the same high standard. If you have seen the show it can be said that yes she has been accepted into a male indudtary but she is mostly seen making the little girl in the families rooms and not the boys or the partens which are mostly given to the male members of the team. I think that this image shows how women have succeded but not on a large scal and not without being seen to still have some feminime ways for example paiges signature pink toolbelt boots and t shirt.
This image is of two american women working on a form of transport which has been seen to be a style of work that a man should do and not a women as she was said to be to sweet, emotional and not strong enough to undertake this style of work. But this image shows a different representaion, which is that women are not these stereotypes but are just as capable as men. That they can handle hard long hours and hard labouring work and getting dirty if the need to. This image shows women and men that women can still be women and work, that they can look, dress and act like women and still carry out the same tasks as men and to the same standard or even to a higher standard.
This image is from the American television show called Extrem Home Makeover where they go to different states to help families in need and build them new house in around 3 days. I have picked this particular image as i thought in was an interesting representation of a women in a male dominated proffesion. This is as the woman in the pink tool belt Paige hemmis is part of the carpentry side of them team which is normal seen as a male industry. This image shows that times have moved on and that women can been seen to work along side men in an industrial job and have been seen to be able to work at the same high standard. If you have seen the show it can be said that yes she has been accepted into a male indudtary but she is mostly seen making the little girl in the families rooms and not the boys or the partens which are mostly given to the male members of the team. I think that this image shows how women have succeded but not on a large scal and not without being seen to still have some feminime ways for example paiges signature pink toolbelt boots and t shirt.
This image is of two american women working on a form of transport which has been seen to be a style of work that a man should do and not a women as she was said to be to sweet, emotional and not strong enough to undertake this style of work. But this image shows a different representaion, which is that women are not these stereotypes but are just as capable as men. That they can handle hard long hours and hard labouring work and getting dirty if the need to. This image shows women and men that women can still be women and work, that they can look, dress and act like women and still carry out the same tasks as men and to the same standard or even to a higher standard.
Boys To Men: Media Messages About Masculinity
The idea of Masculinity in America now in the present is diffrent from how it would have be seen and presented in the past. This article from the website talks about this change. The article talks about how the media plays a big role in how males and their Masculinity are seen to be represented today to children who are the onces that are consuming the majority of the media. It is said that the children have started to see men as being violent and angry, and not as strong, supportive and the provider as they have been seen as in the past. These ideas have come from television shows and movies as the artical says that about 74% of the males that appear in these fomrs of media are shown as being anti-social, ridiculing, lying, aggressive or defiant acts.
Boys in America in the present time only have this image of men and how they should be and strive to be. This image shows them that the way to sort out a probrlm is to get angry and violent and then it will be solve. But this ideas that they are been shown are not the right onces as theycould be what is said to be leading so many young men the crime, as they no longer have a majority influence from thier farthers and coachs. The influence, advie, and live skills boys use to learn form their farther and coaches has been lost and replaced with the representations they see and learn from video games, television shows, movies and music. These froms of media can be seen to make young American men feel trapped "Our culture puts boys in a gender straitjacket, channeling their full range of healthy emotions into narrow forms of expression, often aggressive ones. Media legitimates these constraints at a time when we desperately need to reinvent manhood in America." Dr. William Pollack.
Boys in America in the present time only have this image of men and how they should be and strive to be. This image shows them that the way to sort out a probrlm is to get angry and violent and then it will be solve. But this ideas that they are been shown are not the right onces as theycould be what is said to be leading so many young men the crime, as they no longer have a majority influence from thier farthers and coachs. The influence, advie, and live skills boys use to learn form their farther and coaches has been lost and replaced with the representations they see and learn from video games, television shows, movies and music. These froms of media can be seen to make young American men feel trapped "Our culture puts boys in a gender straitjacket, channeling their full range of healthy emotions into narrow forms of expression, often aggressive ones. Media legitimates these constraints at a time when we desperately need to reinvent manhood in America." Dr. William Pollack.
 - For my website I chose this one which sum's up womens rights in America today which men would of had for century's it goes over such simple things which men take heavily for granted these sorts of rights given to women are still fairely recent and there are still prejdice views from men to women in the workplace and there is still discrimination in the workplace today. Women that are pregnant would be denied promotions because of it because it is viewed as a hinderence with days off work so it would not be good for the company however a woman can not lose her job over being pregnant.
Monday, 15 February 2010
Women In the Workplace
For this task it was intresting looking different articles and imges with both women and work.
For my first article I came across an article from Vancouver Sun and it is a article of female dock workers and the sexual harrasment that is involved. To begin with dock working would have orginally been a man's workplace, somewhere where they could have probably relaxed and a place that would have made them feel more masculine, however since the introduction of women into the workforce there has been the constant rivialry between men and women an the result of sexual harrassment.
"We're doing everything we can do to tell these guys they can't behave like that any more," Smith said. He said foremen are given sensitivity training and graffiti is painted over as soon as it's spotted.
From this quote we can see the immediate effect that women would have had on the workplace, it is as if they are saying men are not allowed to be masculine anymore they have to go through sensitivity training diminshing their manhood.
For my 1980's article I looked at a womens history timeline.
I noticed that when I moved the timeline to the 80's there are a lot of cases in which women are becoming the first women to do a task. for example Vigdis Finnbogadottir becomes the president of Iceland and Baroness Young becomes the first woman to lead the House of Lords. Through this massive boom of women gaining workplacements, it is easy to see why maculinity would have been diminished and how women gain places within society.
For my first article I came across an article from Vancouver Sun and it is a article of female dock workers and the sexual harrasment that is involved. To begin with dock working would have orginally been a man's workplace, somewhere where they could have probably relaxed and a place that would have made them feel more masculine, however since the introduction of women into the workforce there has been the constant rivialry between men and women an the result of sexual harrassment.
"We're doing everything we can do to tell these guys they can't behave like that any more," Smith said. He said foremen are given sensitivity training and graffiti is painted over as soon as it's spotted.
From this quote we can see the immediate effect that women would have had on the workplace, it is as if they are saying men are not allowed to be masculine anymore they have to go through sensitivity training diminshing their manhood.
For my 1980's article I looked at a womens history timeline.
I noticed that when I moved the timeline to the 80's there are a lot of cases in which women are becoming the first women to do a task. for example Vigdis Finnbogadottir becomes the president of Iceland and Baroness Young becomes the first woman to lead the House of Lords. Through this massive boom of women gaining workplacements, it is easy to see why maculinity would have been diminished and how women gain places within society.
Women and Work
I found this image of the women astronauts in America who were training in 1980. These women were the first six women to train to go into space. In 1983 one of them became the first American woman to go into space. I thought this picture showed that even though lots of women were discriminated against in 1980's there were some which went against the norm and did jobs that were typically male jobs, such as being an astronaut. This could be used to argue against the idea that women can't do powerful or masculine jobs as it shows that they are just as capable, and do the jobs just as well as men can.
This is a website set up to build awareness about the problem of low-wage jobs in America for women. It states how 60% of low-wage workers are women, and a third of jobs for women are low-wage jobs. It shows how its not because of lack of education as it says that 40% of people in low-wage work have a high-school diploma. This website has a vision to ensure every woman who works full time earns enough to afford the basics and support their family. This would start to reduce the inequality that is still seen between men and women in the workplace.
I found this image of the women astronauts in America who were training in 1980. These women were the first six women to train to go into space. In 1983 one of them became the first American woman to go into space. I thought this picture showed that even though lots of women were discriminated against in 1980's there were some which went against the norm and did jobs that were typically male jobs, such as being an astronaut. This could be used to argue against the idea that women can't do powerful or masculine jobs as it shows that they are just as capable, and do the jobs just as well as men can.
This is a website set up to build awareness about the problem of low-wage jobs in America for women. It states how 60% of low-wage workers are women, and a third of jobs for women are low-wage jobs. It shows how its not because of lack of education as it says that 40% of people in low-wage work have a high-school diploma. This website has a vision to ensure every woman who works full time earns enough to afford the basics and support their family. This would start to reduce the inequality that is still seen between men and women in the workplace.
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Masculinity in America
When looking for an article that expresses about the contemptory issues within American Culture, it is very hard to find the right sort of site to inform you. However I found this site called PEP web which is a digital archive of classic psychoanalytic texts and I found a small review of From Hero to Robot by Ralph A. Luce, Jr. It deals with the changing relationships of the 20th century sexes and gives reasons for why this is, it mentions that since these changes we can see the rise of women and the diminishing power of the father figures. It also mentions the issues of growing up and establishing identies and notes that in particiular young boys because of sexual confusion within todays societies.
It cuts off half-way because of suscribing for the particular archives but it mentions about boys whose primary influence is their mothers. It could be seen that when a boys primary influence is their mother this could make them more feminine therefore diminishing the power of masculinity whereas boys raised by their fathers would become more masculine.
When looking for an article that expresses about the contemptory issues within American Culture, it is very hard to find the right sort of site to inform you. However I found this site called PEP web which is a digital archive of classic psychoanalytic texts and I found a small review of From Hero to Robot by Ralph A. Luce, Jr. It deals with the changing relationships of the 20th century sexes and gives reasons for why this is, it mentions that since these changes we can see the rise of women and the diminishing power of the father figures. It also mentions the issues of growing up and establishing identies and notes that in particiular young boys because of sexual confusion within todays societies.
It cuts off half-way because of suscribing for the particular archives but it mentions about boys whose primary influence is their mothers. It could be seen that when a boys primary influence is their mother this could make them more feminine therefore diminishing the power of masculinity whereas boys raised by their fathers would become more masculine.
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Metrosexual Masculinity
The website i choose goes into detail to describing the new trend of Masculinity in todays America, This new way of defining what the typical views of what masculinity is. while some old views such as the lumber jack which is a very roughed man whos out there providing for his family and working with his hands, also another common link between the old definiions is they all seemed to be working orinated, supporting there families and working hard, which are also key characteristics of the American dream while this Metrosexuality views men taking care of there apperance more and looking after themself and not always having a family. while Masculinity could be measured by a man hairy chest this new Metrosexual man may have chosen to shave his chest for whatever reason.
It has also been a sort of liberation this new lifestyle because it allows people to open up more to the general public has allowed supressed social groups become more obviously known to strangers on the street for example the gay community were allowed to come out and not feel ashamed for there way of life without judgement from others it has also allowed men which were sterotypically not allowed to show there femine side because of also fear of judegement from other men which may be little them it has allowed them to be viewed as softer.
It is a sort of freedom from the norm and allowed characters to be themself rather than to be what society wants them to be
The website i choose goes into detail to describing the new trend of Masculinity in todays America, This new way of defining what the typical views of what masculinity is. while some old views such as the lumber jack which is a very roughed man whos out there providing for his family and working with his hands, also another common link between the old definiions is they all seemed to be working orinated, supporting there families and working hard, which are also key characteristics of the American dream while this Metrosexuality views men taking care of there apperance more and looking after themself and not always having a family. while Masculinity could be measured by a man hairy chest this new Metrosexual man may have chosen to shave his chest for whatever reason.
It has also been a sort of liberation this new lifestyle because it allows people to open up more to the general public has allowed supressed social groups become more obviously known to strangers on the street for example the gay community were allowed to come out and not feel ashamed for there way of life without judgement from others it has also allowed men which were sterotypically not allowed to show there femine side because of also fear of judegement from other men which may be little them it has allowed them to be viewed as softer.
It is a sort of freedom from the norm and allowed characters to be themself rather than to be what society wants them to be
I found a blog titled “Masculinity and Violence in America.” It focuses on a video called “Tough Guise” by Jackson Katz, who is referred to in the blog as Jason Katz.
Jackson Katz is on of America’s leading anti-sexist male activists. His work is in the field of gender violence prevention education with men and boys. Katz also founded the Mentors in Violence Prevention Program. This program is aimed at student athletes and student leaders to raise awareness about the level of men’s violence against women.
In “Tough Guise”, Katz picks up on the key points of what is to blame in this crisis that appears to be plaguing masculinity in America. Men of about college age are asked what do they think a real man is. Words such as “physical”, “independent”, “intimidating”, “tough”, were some of the words mentioned. Physical and intimidating were the most concerning definitions.
But where is this image arising from? Katz mentions the influence of parents and communities. However the most significant influence is the media. A key issue that is presented is that of the media’s constant bombardment of images of masculinity being about dominance, power, and control. This is particularly apparent amongst ethnic groups with the lack of diversity the media presents for African Americans, who are seen as gangsters. As well as Asians who are presented as either violent people through martial arts, or wealthy and violent criminals. These defining images are making violent masculinity the norm in America.
Statistics are used as a way of linking violent masculinity with serious crimes. It lists that 99.8% of rape is carried out by men, 95% of domestic violence, and 85% of murder is carried out by men. It was also pointed out that the 15% of murders committed by women are often when they are defending themselves from a violent male. This is linked in with the families influence on violent masculinity as it is pointed out that 81% of these violent males were brought up in abusive households.
What I find most interesting about this website and video is that a solution is offered on how to reduce this vision of masculinity as being about violence. Katz suggests that it is not simply about men being more reflective when making lifestyle choices, but that women and the media have a role to play to. Women should value men that reject the tough guy persona and show that they want more than a bad boy. While Katz believes that the media should not be just run by rich white men who dictate society with these images.
I found a blog titled “Masculinity and Violence in America.” It focuses on a video called “Tough Guise” by Jackson Katz, who is referred to in the blog as Jason Katz.
Jackson Katz is on of America’s leading anti-sexist male activists. His work is in the field of gender violence prevention education with men and boys. Katz also founded the Mentors in Violence Prevention Program. This program is aimed at student athletes and student leaders to raise awareness about the level of men’s violence against women.
In “Tough Guise”, Katz picks up on the key points of what is to blame in this crisis that appears to be plaguing masculinity in America. Men of about college age are asked what do they think a real man is. Words such as “physical”, “independent”, “intimidating”, “tough”, were some of the words mentioned. Physical and intimidating were the most concerning definitions.
But where is this image arising from? Katz mentions the influence of parents and communities. However the most significant influence is the media. A key issue that is presented is that of the media’s constant bombardment of images of masculinity being about dominance, power, and control. This is particularly apparent amongst ethnic groups with the lack of diversity the media presents for African Americans, who are seen as gangsters. As well as Asians who are presented as either violent people through martial arts, or wealthy and violent criminals. These defining images are making violent masculinity the norm in America.
Statistics are used as a way of linking violent masculinity with serious crimes. It lists that 99.8% of rape is carried out by men, 95% of domestic violence, and 85% of murder is carried out by men. It was also pointed out that the 15% of murders committed by women are often when they are defending themselves from a violent male. This is linked in with the families influence on violent masculinity as it is pointed out that 81% of these violent males were brought up in abusive households.
What I find most interesting about this website and video is that a solution is offered on how to reduce this vision of masculinity as being about violence. Katz suggests that it is not simply about men being more reflective when making lifestyle choices, but that women and the media have a role to play to. Women should value men that reject the tough guy persona and show that they want more than a bad boy. While Katz believes that the media should not be just run by rich white men who dictate society with these images.
This is an article from a Pastor who believes that America has lost its masculinity thanks to Hollywood and films which "praise and promote the homosexual lifestyle". He says how men today are not being taught masculine values because of the lack of male influence at home, church and school teachers at a young age. He defines masculinity as physical toughness, honesty, abiding by rules, being able to look after his children, and fearing God. To rebuild this manliness he thinks all schools should teach boxing and wrestling, and be taught to be independent and assertive (traits which he says are considered "evil" today). He says if masculinity vanishes America will lose what helped build the country and make it great. He is saying that the men of today are inadequate in terms of masculinity compared to years ago when men were considered gentlemen.
This is an article from a Pastor who believes that America has lost its masculinity thanks to Hollywood and films which "praise and promote the homosexual lifestyle". He says how men today are not being taught masculine values because of the lack of male influence at home, church and school teachers at a young age. He defines masculinity as physical toughness, honesty, abiding by rules, being able to look after his children, and fearing God. To rebuild this manliness he thinks all schools should teach boxing and wrestling, and be taught to be independent and assertive (traits which he says are considered "evil" today). He says if masculinity vanishes America will lose what helped build the country and make it great. He is saying that the men of today are inadequate in terms of masculinity compared to years ago when men were considered gentlemen.
Sunday, 7 February 2010
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