Monday, 15 February 2010

Women In the Workplace

For this task it was intresting looking different articles and imges with both women and work.

For my first article I came across an article from Vancouver Sun and it is a article of female dock workers and the sexual harrasment that is involved. To begin with dock working would have orginally been a man's workplace, somewhere where they could have probably relaxed and a place that would have made them feel more masculine, however since the introduction of women into the workforce there has been the constant rivialry between men and women an the result of sexual harrassment.

"We're doing everything we can do to tell these guys they can't behave like that any more," Smith said. He said foremen are given sensitivity training and graffiti is painted over as soon as it's spotted.

From this quote we can see the immediate effect that women would have had on the workplace, it is as if they are saying men are not allowed to be masculine anymore they have to go through sensitivity training diminshing their manhood.

For my 1980's article I looked at a womens history timeline.

I noticed that when I moved the timeline to the 80's there are a lot of cases in which women are becoming the first women to do a task. for example Vigdis Finnbogadottir becomes the president of Iceland and Baroness Young becomes the first woman to lead the House of Lords. Through this massive boom of women gaining workplacements, it is easy to see why maculinity would have been diminished and how women gain places within society.

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